3,018 research outputs found

    PCDT: Power Cabinet Diagnosis Tool

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    Пространственные метафоры “воды” и “воздуха” в поэзии Ольги Седаковой

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    В данной работе исследуются способы реализации образов воды и воздуха, их семантическое наполнение в структуре поэтического текста. Ключевые слова: образ, трансформация, текст.У даній статті досліджуються способи втілення образів води та повітря у структурі поетичного тексту та їх семантична наповненість. Ключові слова: образ, трансформація, текст.The article dials with the ways of water and air images conveying in the structure of poetical and their semantic value. Keywords: image, transformation, text

    Bewegen volhouden

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    Veel mensen slagen erin om gedurende korte tijd meer te bewegen. Veel moeilijker is het om het bewegen lang vol te houden. Onderstaande tips kunnen een oplossing bieden. Probeer er vooral iets uit te halen dat voor jou persoonlijk werkt. Geen enkele tip zal voor iedereen werken

    Defensief pessimisme

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    Sommige studenten kondigen na een examen aan dat ze waarschijnlijk zijn gezakt, terwijl ze stiekem weten dat ze waarschijnlijk wel zullen slagen. Een student doet zoiets om zich tegen teleurstelling te beschermen. Het wordt ‘defensief pessimisme’ genoemd. Door weinig goeds te verwachten, kan het resultaat alleen maar meevallen. Zou defensief pessimisme ook helpen tegen teleurstellingen bij mensen met Sjögren

    Psychological factors associated with response to treatment in rheumatoid arthritis

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    This paper presents a comprehensive review of research relating psychological domains with response to therapy in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. A holistic approach to the disease was adopted by incorporating not only disease activity but also dimensions of the impact of disease on patients' lives. Psychological distress, including depression and anxiety, is common among patients with rheumatoid arthritis and has a significant negative impact on response to therapy and on patients' abilities to cope with chronic illness. Evidence regarding the influence of positive psychological dimensions such as acceptance, optimism, and adaptive coping strategies is scarce. The mechanisms involved in these interactions are incompletely understood, although changes in neuro-endocrine-immune pathways, which are common to depression and rheumatoid arthritis, seem to play a central role. Indirect psychological influences on therapeutic efficacy and long-term effectiveness include a myriad of factors such as adherence, placebo effects, cognition, coping strategies, and family and social support. Data suggest that recognition and appropriate management of psychological distress may improve response to treatment and significantly reduce disease burden

    Efficacy of non-pharmacological interventions: a systematic review informing the 2023 EULAR recommendations for the management of fatigue in people with inflammatory rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases

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    OBJECTIVE: To identify the best evidence on the efficacy of non-pharmacological interventions in reducing fatigue in people with inflammatory rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases (I-RMDs) and to summarise their safety in the identified studies to inform European Alliance of Associations for Rheumatology recommendations for the management of fatigue in people with I-RMDs. METHODS: Systematic review of randomised controlled trials (RCTs) including adults with I-RMDs conducted according to the Cochrane Handbook. Search strategy ran in Medline, Embase, Cochrane Library, CINAHL Complete, PEDro, OTseeker and PsycINFO. Assessment of risk of bias, data extraction and synthesis were performed by two reviewers independently. Data were pooled in meta-analyses. RESULTS: From a total of 4150 records, 454 were selected for full-text review, 82 fulfilled the inclusion criteria and 55 RCTs were included in meta-analyses. Physical activity or exercise was efficacious in reducing fatigue in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) (standardised mean differences (SMD)=-0.23, 95% CI=-0.37 to -0.1), systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) (SMD=-0.54, 95% CI=-1.07 to -0.01) and spondyloarthritis (SMD=-0.94, 95% CI=-1.23 to -0.66); reduction of fatigue was not significant in Sjögren's syndrome (SMD=-0.83, 95% CI=-2.13 to 0.47) and systemic sclerosis (SMD=-0.66, 95% CI=-1.33 to 0.02). Psychoeducational interventions were efficacious in reducing fatigue in RA (SMD=-0.32, 95% CI=-0.48 to -0.16), but not in SLE (SMD=-0.19, 95% CI=-0.46 to 0.09). Follow-up models in consultations (SMD=-0.05, 95% CI=-0.29 to 0.20) and multicomponent interventions (SMD=-0.20, 95% CI=-0.53 to 0.14) did not show significant reductions of fatigue in RA. The results of RCTs not included in the meta-analysis suggest that several other non-pharmacological interventions may provide a reduction of fatigue, with reassuring safety results. CONCLUSIONS: Physica activity or exercise and psychoeducational interventions are efficacious and safe for managing fatigue in people with I-RMDs

    Особенности плазмохимического травления торцов кремниевых пластин для фотоэлектрических преобразователей

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    Выбраны оптимальные режимы плазмохимического травления торцов пластин в реакторе, разработанном в ИЯИ, который по производительности превосходит лучший зарубежный аналог при более высоком качестве обработки пластин

    Lucasfilm e oltre. Tecnologia per il racconto.

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    La tesi vuole dimostrare le finalita' creative della ricerca tecnologica della Lucasfilm e del suo ramo per gli effetti visivi Industrial Light and Magic. Nel primo capitolo si percorre l'inizio di carriera di George Lucas e i relativi rapporti con la tecnologia, fino a Star Wars; si prosegue con l'analisi di alcune tecniche usate a inizio anni ottanta, con traduzioni proprie da T. G. Smith, Industrial Light & Magic: The Art of Special Effects, New York, Del Ray, 1986. Nel secondo capitolo si analizzano i primi inserimenti nel cinema della tecnologia elettronica e informatica, con traduzioni proprie da M. Rubin, Droidmaker: George Lucas and the Digital Revolution, Gainesville, Triad, 2005. Nel terzo capitolo si analizza lo sviluppo e l'uso delle nuove tecnologie digitali, in particolare l'alta definizione e l'animazione al computer, da parte della Lucasfilm per il cinema, la televisione e i videogiochi. L'apparato di appendici copre la filmografia Lucasfilm, i titoli non-Lucasfilm strettamente correlati agli argomenti trattati, i principali titoli per cui la ILM ha curato gli effetti speciali; una ludografia con i videogiochi usciti sotto il marchio Lucasfilm Games e LucasArts; una videografia con i documentari di riferimento (contenuti nei cofanetti dvd dei film); una bibliografia internazionale